MBCC Youth

Welcome to Myrtle Beach Christian Church Youth Group!

Here, High School and Middle school aged students come together to delve into scripture, not just scratching the surface, but diving into its depths to discover profound truths. Alongside our studies, we actively engage in service projects, extending a helping hand to those in need within our community. Fellowship is at the heart of what we do, fostering deep connections and friendships that strengthen our faith journey. From exhilarating mission trips to laid-back camping trips, and sun-soaked beach days, we embark on various activities that bond us closer to one another. Together, we’re not just growing older; we are growing in our faith and Christian values, united in our dedication to living out the teachings of Christ in our everyday lives. Join us as we navigate this journey of faith together. For more information contact Pastor Matthew Smith at the Church: 843-236-1121 text: 843-220-1344 or Email: Matthew.ChristianChurchMB@gmail.com


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