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Embrace Women’s Sunday School Class

New study in the Embraced Women’s Sunday school classroom located upstairs in the main Sanctuary with Elizabeth Ferraro and Susie Slater! Each Sunday morning at 10:00 am.  Discover the richness…

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Youth Led Service and Lock-In

Please join us on Sunday, February 16th as our Youth will lead our entire services through song, communion, tithe and message.  Let’s support our Youth and show them how much…

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Bible College Classes

Please plan to join us as we start our Bible College Classes on Saturday, February 15th from 9:00 am until 11:00.  “How to Win Souls for the Lord” Class Taught…

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Chili Cookoff

Please join us on Sunday, February 23rd for our annual Chili Cookoff immediately following the 11:00 am service.  Please bring your AWARD WINNING! crock pot chili for sharing!  Please bring…

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